Wabi-Sabi,is a style that attaches naturality and comfort of life, as well as integrating simplicity together. PoliLam W0084A, Jek Sexton Ash reveals Wabi-Sabi perfectly through its classic and extremely simple ash design. It brings people into a natural and comfortable zone with the warm and simple sense.
Jek Sexton Ash
Jex Sexton Ash is a mottled ash wood with grainy in design. It has a clear ash appearance and a metallic sense background since there are no nodules and patterns. Daring and soft design endowed it a natural wood sense.
Using Jek Sexton Ash as the main wall decoration and matching furniture with low color saturation, which makes you feel extremely relaxed and comfortable in such noised world.
Using Jek Sexton Ash as the kitchen cabinet and combining the cement material with earth color as the ornament of the space background, which make the whole space beautiful, clean and soft.
Using Jek Sexton Ash in a bedroom. Wall decoration, cabinet and background with Wabi-Sabi style create a warm and comfortable space to have a good rest. Simple but not normal! Let’s enjoy with it!